Annual Credit Grant

Annual Credit Grants of $10,000 per year are provided to eligible public-use and publicly owned airports. Airports not classified by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) as Commercial or Reliever are eligible as set forth in Section 21682 of the Public Utilities Code.

The Form DOA-0007 - California Aid to Airports Program Certification (PDF), must be submitted to the Division of Aeronautics (Aeronautics) each fiscal year to establish eligibility. The Form DOA-0009 - Annual Credit Disbursement Request (PDF) can be submitted to Aeronautics to request funds for eligible projects as defined below.

Aeronautics will retain funds for eligible airports for a period not to exceed 5 fiscal years. Airports can request the $10,000 each year or request a greater amount from a future year once funds have accumulated. 

Please submit your certification and disbursement request via email to:

Projects that are eligible for Annual Credit Grant funding:

  • Obstruction Removal: Removal of obstructions from runway safety areas, RPZs or approach surfaces, and the other imaginary surfaces.
  • Radios: Aviation radio equipment and facilities.
  • Land: Acquisition of land and navigation easements.
  • Lighting: Purchase and installation of runway, taxiway, boundary, or obstruction lights (with directly related electrical equipment) to meet general aviation needs.
  • Fencing: Minimum security fencing around the perimeter of an airport, for general aviation purposes.
  • Transient Parking: Construction/reconstruction of transient general aviation aircraft parking areas.
  • Bond Service: Servicing of revenue or general obligation bonds that have been issued to finance airport capital improvements.
  • Navaids: Air navigation aids including rotating beacons, runway end identifier lights, and localizer transmitters.
  • Airport Marking Systems: Systems such as segmented circles, wind socks, traffic pattern indicators, and wind tees.
  • Noise Monitoring Equipment: Noise monitoring equipment to meet general aviation needs.
  • Project Services: Engineering for eligible construction projects; appraisal and escrow fees for land acquisition.
  • Runways and Taxiways: Construction and reconstruction.
  • Service Roads: Service Roads that are not open to the public.
  • Surfacing: Surfacing of runways, taxiways, and aircraft parking areas to general aviation standards.
  • Water Supply and Sanitary Disposal Systems: Water supply and sanitary disposal systems for airport use.
  • Master Plans and Airport Layout Plans.
  • Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP): Activities of an airport land use commission to prepare or update a CLUP.

The following can also be funded with Annual Credit Grants:

  • Operation and maintenance (wages/salaries, utilities, service vehicles, and all other noncapital expenditures).
  • General aviation fueling facilities.
  • Restrooms/showers.
  • General aviation airplane wash racks.