Prioritization Process Pilot Program (PPPP)

Grant Program Information

The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) established the new Prioritization Process Pilot Program discretionary grant program funded with $50 million for FY 2022 thru 2026 [BIL § 11204(c)(2)].

The vision of the PPPP is to fund the development and implementation of pilot prioritization processes that address and integrate the components of existing transportation programs and support projects that improve safety, climate change and sustainability, equity, and economic strength and global competitiveness consistent with DOT's strategic goals. FHWA also seeks to award Projects that address environmental justice, barriers to opportunity, vulnerable users, transparent public involvement, complete streets, freight, and system condition and reliability.

The purpose of the PPPP is to support data-driven approaches to planning that, upon completion, can be evaluated for public benefit. The program provides funding to develop and implement a publicly accessible, transparent prioritization process for the ranking and selection of projects for inclusion in short-range and long-range transportation plans for state or metropolitan areas, Statewide Transportation Improvement Programs (STIPs), and Transportation Improvement Programs (TIPs) in metropolitan areas. FHWA will award no more than $10 million in total ($2 million maximum per award), subject to availability, in each fiscal year for eligible prioritization process pilots that meet the eligibility requirements.

Eligible Applicants

Eligible applicants for PPPP discretionary grants are (1) MPOs that serve a census delineated urban area with a population of over 200,000, and (2) States. (Section 11204(a)(1) of BIL) The term “metropolitan planning organization” has the meaning given the term in Title 23, United States Code (U.S.C.), Section 134(b). (Section 11204 of BIL)

Application Deadlines

Close Date:   May 1, 2024


Fiscal Year






 5-Year Total

Contract authority

$10 M

$10 M

$10 M

$10 M

$10 M

$50 M

For FY22, FY 23 and FY24, up to $30 million is available for the PPPP Discretionary Grant Program.

Eligible Costs

States and MPOs shall use PPPP grant funds to develop and implement a publicly accessible transparent prioritization process to guide project selection in the development of the transportation plan and transportation improvements program for the planning area.

Resources and Information


For more information concerning this program contact:

Seng Lo
Division of Local Assistance, Office of Federal Programs
California Department of Transportation (Caltrans), HQ
(916) 516-4589

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